Anne-Claude MORICE

Booth number

As the French national committee of the International Council of Museums, ICOM France now has almost 6,000 individual and institutional members, representing all museums and all museum professions.
The committee's work is primarily focused on its members and the network they form, with time for forward-looking reflection on the cultural policies of museums and the challenges they face. The current term of office has thus chosen to place sustainable development issues at the heart of its priorities in order to support and facilitate the ecological transition of all the museums in the network.

In 2024, ICOM France is launching a new series of debates giving those involved in the sector the opportunity to present and discuss a professional initiative. It is continuing its partnership with the Institut national du patrimoine and, three times a year, is organising ethical evening debates on specific themes: the societal responsibilities of museums in the face of the risk of censorship, the management of collections through provenance issues or the question of the "decolonisation" of museums. The annual congress, together with our association's general meeting, will take place at the end of September 2024 in Reims on the theme: "Doing less... and doing better? The question of museum degrowth".
These meetings, most of which will be translated into ICOM's three official languages, will be open to professionals from all over the world.

Association of professionals

Réseaux sociaux

Site officiel


Florence LE CORRE
Florence LE CORRE
Membre élue - secrétaire adjointe d'ICOM France
Laure Ménétrier
Laure Ménétrier
Membre élue - secrétaire d'ICOM France
Emilie Girard
Emilie Girard
Présidente d'ICOM France
adjointe à la déléguée générale